Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Does Benghazi matter? Apparently not to Hillary!

Princess forgets that Congress tried to get her to testify a long time ago, but poor baby kept falling and hitting her head. That's an excellent defense: "What difference at this point does it make?" Hmmm. Let's try it out. By the time Congress started having hearings on Watergate it had been a while since the break in. Seems the passage of time didn't dim the importance of the investigation. And the "it" to which she refers involved the murder of four Americans. 
I do like those glasses though! Softens her don't you think? Quite a contrast she's working: Glasses to soften her look as she pounds the table to give herself the appearance of the put-upon victim. Why one almost forgets four people were murdered while she slept.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Let's use our heads for something other than hat racks!

I don't know the origin of that saying, but my dad used it and it fits this short Sunday-morning post.
MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell said that the president should not use a Bible during the inaugural because the president doesn't believe what's in the Bible. Here's the story. (The president is using two Bibles at his inauguration.) I don't care what O'Donnell says and, if ratings mean anything, nor does anyone else.
But here's where we have to use our heads for something other than hat racks.
Fox News's religion contributor, Father Jonathan Morris, took to the airwaves this morning to denounce the Left's attempt to drive religion from the public square. Ok, so far so good. Then he went on to tell us that the irreligious in our country won't be satisfied until they've removed the mention of God from our Constitution. There is nothing to remove because God is not mentioned in our Constitution! He then went on to lament that one day "In God We Trust" would be removed from our money. This motto first appeared on the two-cent piece around 1864. A few years later, Congress allowed the Secretary of the Treasury to add it to other coins. The motto was added to paper money in 1957. Here's the history of the use of the motto.
And, as we all know, "one nation under God" was added to the pledge of allegiance in 1954. Interestingly, Francis Bellamy a socialist minister wrote the original pledge in 1892. It first appeared in The Youth Companion. He wanted it said in different countries so it wasn't until 1923 that the words "the Flag of the United States" were added. Before WWII, when the words "the Flag" were said, you would extend your arm, palm down, toward the flag. Because it resembled the Nazi salute the procedure changed so you keep your hand over your heart throughout. Here's the story about the pledge's history.
History is rarely as cut-and-dried as we would like it. After all, fallible people do the things that make history and some of their acts are historical. Our legends are nice, but let's try to separate fact from the way we wish history were.
So, we use our heads for dual purposes: hat racks and thinking.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

John Adams said,

"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious
 people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Last night's vote is a tax increase!

The U.S. Senate and the W.H. will, no doubt, claim last night's Senate vote is a tax decrease. But it's not. If you don't believe me, here's what CBS News says, in part, about the vote: "The measure is the first significant bipartisan tax increase since 1990, when former President George H.W. Bush violated his 'read my lips' promise on taxes. It would raise an additional $620 billion over the coming decade when compared with revenues after tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003, during the Bush administration. But because those policies expired at midnight Monday, the measure is officially scored as a whopping $3.9 trillion tax cut over the next decade."
Oh well, it's only what Dear Leader calls it that really matters.