Thursday, August 23, 2012

You're stupid! Sit down and shut up.

Rep.Tom Akin of Missouri is one of those people who need to be told, "Hey, you're a nice guy, but you're stupid. We have enough stupid people in Washington, so get yourself a hobby."
Fortunately for Rep. Tom Akin, I've found him a roommate. And his name is Tom; they could be Tom 1 and Tom 2 and alternate saying stupid things.
Lubbock County Judge Tom Head (bad week to be named Tom) warned a local news station of the civil unrest that will accompany Obama's re-election. This civil unrest will be sparked in large part, according to Judge Tom, when Obama attempts to hand over control of the United States to the United Nations. So Judge Tom wants Lubbock County to raise taxes so they can hire more highly trained deputies and attorneys to fight this. Now, I guess the deputies will back the judge when he stands up to the U.N. troops, but what are the lawyers going to do? (I'm going to overlook the fact that the U.N. doesn't have any standing troops. Or even any that are sitting down.)
Was this national-everyone-say-something-stupid week and I missed it? Oh man!

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