Thursday, September 15, 2016

53 days till the election

With 53 days remaining before the election, I thought I would challenge a couple of the reasons given for voting for Trump.

Trump says that he will push for women to have six weeks paid maternity leave. And he says he will appoint folks to the Supreme Court who are like Scalia.

A. He's a Conservative. Not true!
Maybe you think the first point is a good idea; and maybe so if the employer decides to offer it as a perk to its employees. But it is contrary to conservative principles for the government to force private employers to do this. Why? Because it is contrary to liberty. Some folks say, "Let's see how Donald plans to pay for it." He will pay for it through higher taxes or putting a bigger burden on employers. It's no mere coincidence that Hillary proposes the same thing only larger.

B. He will appoint Scalia-like folks to SCOTUS. 
Now, Trump hasn't got enough sense to know anything about Scalia. One can't be a narcissist and an intellectual: there's not enough time in the day. Trump's sister is a federal judge and her mother is the only person she’s ever thought shouldn't have an abortion. (One can't say there's a constitutional right to own slaves (Scott v. Sandford), to abortion (Roe v. Wade), to engage in homosexual acts (Lawrence v. Texas), or to buy condoms (Eisenstadt v. Baird),  and claim to be textualist in the vein of Scalia.) These are matters for the legislative branch--in the first instance--and the executive branch. Trump will not appoint to the Supreme Court the kind of folks we need there.

C. One of these reasons for voting for Trump is better than the ones discussed above.
So, if you want to vote for Trump, go ahead. But don't do it because he's a Conservative, he's not! Do it because you don't like Hillary, do it because Trump looks better in pants than Hillary, do it because you want more government in your business but at a slower pace, do it because you admire fascism, do it because Trump is more consistent with his hairstyle than Hillary, do it because Sean Hannity told you to, but don't do it because Trump is a Conservative.

And not voting for Trump is not a vote for Hillary. Our presidents are elected by the members of the electoral college. Hillary is not going to win Tennessee. Tennessee’s electors will go to Trump. Throw caution to the wind and write in a candidate or if marijuana is your thing, Gary “what’s Aleppo” Johnson will gladly take your vote.  

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